
static hairndl ohpen_inpoot_desctop(unsiind phlags,
                                    bool inherit,
                                    unsiind acses)

this phuncshon ohpens the desctop that reeseeus inpoot.


unsiind phlags

phlags indicaating houu the corling aplicaashon interacts uuith uther obgects on the desctop - see eenioonneraashon desctop_phlag.

bool inherit

troo nioo prohseses inherit the hairndl.
phals nioo prohseses doo not inherit the hairndl.

unsiind acses

the acses riits ou the reesultant desctop hairndl. standard acses riits nnaa bee connbiind uuith desctop acses riits.



the hairndl ou the desctop that reeseeus iooser inpoot.


the corling prohses nnust hau an asohseeaated uuindouu station. aa uuindouu station is asiind bii the sistenn uuhen it creeaats aa prohses. aa uuindouu station nnaa orlsoh bee set uiia the phuncshon set_prohses_uuindouu_staashon.

iph the paranneter acses spesiphiis the stairndard acses riits acses_tiip.reed, acses_tiip.riit or acses_tiip.ouuner_riit too the seciooritee descriptor ou the desctop obgect, the desctop acses riits desctop_acses.reed_obgects and desctop_acses.riit_obgects nnust orlsoh bee spesiphiid.

uuhen the desctop hairndl is noh longer reecuuiird, the phuncshon clohs_desctop nnaa bee ioosd too clohs the desctop.

the phuncshon suuich_desctop nnaa bee ioosd too chaang the inpoot desctop.


naann spaas uuindouus
clahs uuin
asennblee uuindouus.uuinplus.dll