
A structure describing the pixel format of a drawing surface.

public ref class PixelFormatDescriptor
  unsigned short Size;
  unsigned short Version;
  unsigned Flags;
  unsigned char PixelType;
  unsigned char ColorBits;
  unsigned char RedBits;
  unsigned char RedShift;
  unsigned char GreenBits;
  unsigned char GreenShift;
  unsigned char BlueBits;
  unsigned char BlueShift;
  unsigned char AlphaBits;
  unsigned char AlphaShift;
  unsigned char AccumulatedBits;
  unsigned char AccumulatedRedBits;
  unsigned char AccumulatedGreenBits;
  unsigned char AccumulatedBlueBits;
  unsigned char AccumulatedAlphaBits;
  unsigned char DepthBits;
  unsigned char StencilBits;
  unsigned char AuxiliaryBuffers;
  unsigned char LayerType;
  unsigned char Reservedunsigned char;
  unsigned LayerMask;
  unsigned VisibleMask;
  unsigned DamageMask;


Version The version of the class - should be set to 1.
Flags A selection of flags from the enumeration FormatDescriptorFlags.
PixelType The pixel type - one of the flags from the enumeration PixelType.
ColorBits The number of color bit planes in each color buffer. For the RedGreenBlueA pixel types, this is the size of the color buffer, excluding the alpha bit planes. For color index pixels, this is the size of the color index buffer.
RedBits The number of red bit planes in each RedGreenBlueA color buffer.
RedShift The shift count for red bit planes in each RedGreenBlueA color buffer.
GreenBits The number of green bit planes in each RedGreenBlueA color buffer.
GreenShift The shift count for green bit planes in each RedGreenBlueA color buffer.
BlueBits The number of blue bit planes in each RedGreenBlueA color buffer.
BlueShift The shift count for blue bit planes in each RedGreenBlueA color buffer.
AlphaBits The number of alpha bit planes in each RedGreenBlueA color buffer. Note that alpha bit planes are not supported.
AlphaShift The shift count for blue bit planes in each RedGreenBlueA color buffer. Note that alpha bit planes are not supported.
AccumulatedBits The total number of bit planes in the accumulation buffer.
AccumulatedRedBits The number of red bit planes in the accumulation buffer.
AccumulatedGreenBits The number of green bit planes in the accumulation buffer.
AccumulatedBlueBits The number of blue bit planes in the accumulation buffer.
AccumulatedAlphaBits The number of alpha bit planes in the accumulation buffer.
DepthBits The depth of the depth buffer.
StencilBits The depth of the stencil buffer.
AuxiliaryBuffers The number of auxiliary buffers (not supported)
LayerType Ignored - not longer used.
Reservedunsigned char The number of overlay and underlay planes:
  • bits 0 through 3 specify up to 15 overlay planes,
  • bits 4 through 7 specify up to 15 underlay planes.
LayerMask Ignored - no longer used.
VisibleMask The transparent color or index of an underlay plane. When the pixel type is PixelRedGreenBlueA, this member is a transparent RedGreenBlue color value. When the pixel type is color index, it is a transparent index value.
DamageMask Ignored - no longer used.