
This metafile command performs Bitmap scaling.

class MetaStretchBitmapBits : public Meta
  Rectangle Bounds;
  Point Destination;
  Point Position;
  Dimensions Source;
  unsigned SourceBitmapInformationOffset;
  unsigned SourceBitmapInformation;
  unsigned SourceBitsOffset;
  unsigned SourceBits;
  unsigned SourceUsage;
  unsigned Start;
  unsigned Scans;
  unsigned Raster;
  Point TargetPosition;

Bounds The bounding Rectangle for the operation (in device units).
Destination The upper-left Point of the destination rectangle (in logical coordinates).
Position The upper-left Point of the source rectangle (in logical coordinates).
Source The width and height of the source rectangle.
SourceBitmapInformationOffset The offset of the source bitmap information structure.
SourceBitmapInformation The size of the source bitmap information structure.
SourceBitsOffset The offset to the source bits.
SourceBits The size of the bitmap bits.
SourceUsage The color information following the source bitmap information structure.
Start The scanline within the source bitmap at which the transfer commences.
Scans The number of scan lines to be transferred.
Raster The raster operations used in the mapping.
TargetPosition The upper-left point of the destination rectangle (in logical coordinates).


See related C function StretchDeviceIndependentBits.