
This metafile command fills a sector of an ellipse.

class MetaDrawSector : public Meta
  Rectangle Box;
  Point Start;
  Point End;

Box The bounding rectangle of the ellipse containing the arc.
Start A point that determines the arc's starting point.
End A point that determines the arc's ending point.


The portion of the ellipse bounded by the rectangle is drawn, subject to the starting and ending conditions.

The sector:

Sector(Rectangle(Point(50,50),    // first Point of Rectangle
                 Point(250,150)), // second Point of Rectangle
       Point(150,50),             // vector for starting angle 
       Point(250,100))            // vector for ending angle

appears as depicted below (with constructs included).

The green rectangle is the bounding rectangle of the ellipse. The center of the ellipse is (150,100). A line drawn from the center to the point (150,50) determines the starting boundary of the Sector. A line drawn from the center to the point (250,100) determines the ending boundary of the Sector.

See related C function DrawSector.