
This metafile command draws a line and an elliptic Arc.

class MetaDrawArc : public Meta
  Rectangle Box;
  Point Start;
  Point End;

Type The type of the command - MetaType::DrawArc.
Size The size of the command - sizeof(MetaDrawArc).
Box The bounding rectangle of the ellipse containing the arc.
Start A point that determines the arc's starting Point.
End A point that determines the arc's ending Point.


A line is drawn from the center of the rectangle to the starting point of the elliptic arc. A portion of the ellipse bounded by the rectangle is then drawn, subject to the starting and ending conditions. The current position in the device context is neither used nor updated.

The arc:

Arc(Rectangle(Point(100,100),        // first Point of Rectangle
              Point(300,300)),       // second Point of Rectangle
    Point(200,350),                  // vector for starting angle 
    Point(350,200))                  // vector for ending angle

appears as depicted below (with constructs included).

The dotted lines drawn from (200,200) to (200,350) and from (200,200) to (350,200) Show how the start and end vectors are used to restrict the drawing to a sector of the ellipse. In the diagram, the rectangle containing the ellipse (of which the arc is a part) has also been drawn. The actual arc has been drawn in yellow.

See related C function DrawArc.