
This structure is used to create monochromatic brushes.

class MetaCreateMonoBrush : public Meta
  unsigned BrushIndex;
  unsigned Usage;
  unsigned BitmapInformationOffset;
  unsigned BitmapInformation;
  unsigned BitsOffset;
  unsigned Bits;


BrushIndex The index into the handle table of the device context.
Usage A value that determines if the colors following an instance of the class BitmapInformation were provided. When provided, the member indicates whether the colors contain explicit red, green, blue values or indices. This member must be either the Colors::Palette or Colors::RedGreenBlue.
BitmapInformationOffset An offset to a bitmap information structure.
BitmapInformation The size of the bitmap information structure.
BitsOffset The offset to the bitmap bits.
Bits The size of the bitmap being used.


See related C functions CreatePatternBrush and CreateDeviceIndependentBitmapPatternBrush.