
The logical Brush class (used when creating logical brushes).

public ref class LogicalBrush
  unsigned Style;
  Color Color;
  Handle Hatch;
Style The style of the brush. Valid styles are as follows.

BrushStyle::Solid The brush is a solid brush (i.e. completely filled).
BrushStyle::Hollow The brush is null (i.e. the background remains unfilled).
BrushStyle::Hatched A hatched brush is used.
BrushStyle::Pattern The brush is defined by a memory bitmap.
BrushStyle::PatternBitmap The brush is defined by a device independent bitmap.
BrushStyle::PatternBitmapPointer The brush is defined using a pointer to a device independent bitmap.

For BrushStyle::Solid This member is the color of the brush.
For BrushStyle::Hollow or BrushStyle::Pattern This member is ignored.
For BrushStyle::PatternBitmap and BrushStyle::PatternBitmapPointer This member indicates the format of the color table in the associated class BitmapInformation. In this case the valid values are:

Colors::RedGreenBlue The associated color table contains the actual red, green, blue values.
Colors::Palette The associated color table consists of 16 bit indices into the currently realized logical color palette.

Hatch The interpretation of this member depends on the value specified for the member style. The following table summarises the relationship.

BrushStyle::Solid This member is unused.
BrushStyle::Hollow This member is unused.
BrushStyle::Hatched One of the six hatch styles HatchStyle::Horizontal through to HatchStyle::DiagonalCross should be specified.
BrushStyle::Pattern The handle of a memory bitmap.
BrushStyle::PatternBitmap The handle of a device independent bitmap.
BrushStyle::PatternBitmapPointer A pointer to a packed device independent bitmap.


The color for the background of the bitmap is controlled by the device context's background color and mix mode.