
This enum contains compatible and advanced graphics modes.

Compatible The graphics driver is compatible with Windows3.x and Windows 95. In this mode, the world transformation cannot be set and cannot be modified.
Advanced The graphics driver is capable of setting the world transformation. Windows NT supports this mode.


The default mode is Compatible.

The three areas of difference in the behaviour of a device context between when operating in compatible and advanced are listed below.

Text Output In compatible mode, vector font text output behaves much the same way as raster font text output with respect to the world-to-device transformation. In compatible mode, vector text is always written from left to right and right side up, even when the remaining graphics is reflected in the x or y axis. The height of the vector text is scaled however. In compatible mode, non-horizontal text may be achieved only by specifying non-zero escapement and orientation values for the currently selected logical font.

In advanced mode, vector text output fully conforms to the world-to-device transformation present in the device context. Raster fonts are also transformed, but in a limited way.

Rectangle Exclusion In compatible mode, bottom and rightmost edges of rectangles are excluded from drawing.

Advanced mode draws rectangles that include the bottom and right edges.

Arc Drawing In compatible mode, arcs are drawn using the current arc direction in the device space. With this convention, page-to-device transformations that reflect in the x or y axes are not respected.

In advanced mode, arcs are drawn counter-clockwise in logical space. In advanced mode, arcs fully conform to the world-to-device transformation.