
This class contains the values applicable to rendering halftone bitmaps.

public ref class ColorAdjustment
  unsigned short Flags;
  unsigned short Illuminant;
  unsigned short RedGamma;
  unsigned short GreenGamma;
  unsigned short BlueGamma;
  unsigned short ReferenceBlack;
  unsigned short Referencewhite;
  unsigned short Contrast;
  unsigned short Brightness;
  unsigned short Saturation;
  unsigned short RedGreenTint;

Flags Color adjustment flags.

AdjustmentNegative The negative of the original bitmap is displayed.
AdjustmentLogicalFilter A logarithmic function is applied to the final image. This may increase the color contrast when the luminance of the image is low.

Illuminant The __stdcall light source used when rendering the image.

IlluminantDefault The default illuminant for an output device.
IlluminantA Tungsten lamp.
IlluminantB Noon sunlight.
IlluminantC NTSC daylight.
IlluminantD50 Normal print.
IlluminantD55 Bond paper print.
IlluminantD65 Standard daylight.
IlluminantD75 Northern daylight.
IlluminantF2 Cool white lamp.

RedGamma The gamma correction index for the red primary of the source. This value may range from RedGreenBlueGammaMinimum to RedGreenBlueGammaMaximum. A value of RedGreenBlueGammaNone yields no gamma correction.
GreenGamma The gamma correction index for the green primary of the source. This value may range from RedGreenBlueGammaMinimum to RedGreenBlueGammaMaximum. A value of RedGreenBlueGammaNone yields no gamma correction.
BlueGamma The gamma correction index for the blue primary of the source. This value may range from RedGreenBlueGammaMinimum to RedGreenBlueGammaMaximum. A value of RedGreenBlueGammaNone yields no gamma correction.
ReferenceBlack The black reference color. Any color that is darker than this value is treated as black. Values range from ReferenceBlackMinimum to ReferenceBlackMaximum.
Referencewhite The white reference color. Any color that is lighter than this value is treated as white. Values range from ReferencewhiteMinimum to ReferencewhiteMaximum.
Contrast The contrast applied to the image. Values range from ColorAdjustmentMinimum to ColorAdjustmentMaximum. A value of 0 causes no adjustment of the contrast.
Brightness The brightness applied to the image. Values range from ColorAdjustmentMinimum to ColorAdjustmentMaximum. A value of 0 causes no adjustment of the brightness.
Saturation The saturation applied to the image. Values range from ColorAdjustmentMinimum to ColorAdjustmentMaximum. A value of 0 causes no adjustment of the saturation.
RedGreenTint The red/green tint applied to the image. Values range from ColorAdjustmentMinimum to ColorAdjustmentMaximum. A value of 0 causes no adjustment of the red/green tint.