
The following structure is used to represent color:

public value class Color

 unsigned Value;

 Color(unsigned ValueSet) : Value(ValueSet) {}

 Color(unsigned Red,
       unsigned Green,
       unsigned Blue) : Value(Red | Green << 8 | Blue << 16) {}

 Color(unsigned Red,
       unsigned Green,
       unsigned Blue,
       unsigned Alpha) : Value(Red | Green << 8 | Blue << 16 | Alpha << 24) {}

 static operator unsigned(Color This) {return This.Value;}


A color holds the intensities of the component colors red, green and blue (RedGreenBlue). In C++, the hexadecimal form of a color is: 0x00bbggrr where each of rr, gg and bb are hexadecimal numbers ranging from 00 to ff. Specifying 00 for the intensity of a particular color component implies the absence of that component. Specifying ff (255 decimal) for a particular component implies the maximum value for that component. All spectral colors can be composed from combinations of the base colors red, green and blue.


Examples are:

0x0000ff the maximum red value
0x00ff00 the maximum green value
0xff0000 the maximum blue value.

All colors may be achieved by mixing the three primary colors. For example,

0xffffff white - the even combination of the three primary colors
0x000000 black - the absence of all color.

A less intense shade of a color is achieved by lowering the value; eg: 0x00007f is half intensity red.